More than 5600 students and around 160 full-time professors study, teach and do research within the five departments of the Applied University Kaiserslautern:

–      Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences

–      Building and Design

–      Business Administration

–      Engineering

–      Computer Sciences / Microsystems Technology

Numerous partnerships with national and international institutions and enterprises guarantee practice-oriented studies and a high academic quality. Research and development at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is largely oriented on applicability, and is carried out almost exclusively in cooperation with companies. In this context, the University is available as a partner especially to local businesses, where the supervision of student work in the companies means that very many people are actively involved in the transfer of knowledge and technology. Within in the faculty of Business Management we have a strong unit in the field of financial services: 7 professors had Management jobs in Banks or Insurance companies before they joined the university. The Bachelor course of studies “Financial Services” is the largest one at the university. It prepares graduates for a qualified professional career in banking firms, insurance companies, investment companies, consulting and brokerage firms as well as in the finance departments of companies of any industry. Students learn to apply the latest scientific findings corresponding to the relevant economic instruments mainly with respect to legal and general economic conditions and developments to solve practical problems, especially from the financial services industry. The graduates should recognize the operational procedures and evaluate their relationships and work out solutions to problems. Graduates of the Master’s program are prepared to take over functions in various business units in middle and senior management levels and to perceive tasks and responsibilities in the company’s international business.


Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft: Mit ca. 1500 Studierenden und rund 35 Professoren/Lehrbeauftragten ist der Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft am Standort Zweibrücken  einer der größten Bereiche der Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern. Der Campus Zweibrücken wurde 1994 gegründet und zählt heute zu den modernsten (Fach-) Hochschuleinrichtungen Deutschlands. Der Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft bietet folgende vier Bachelorstudiengänge:  Finanzdienstleistungen, Mittelstandsökonomie, Technische Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftsinformatik. Der Fernstudiengang Betriebswirtschaft rundet das Bachelorangebot ab und richtet sich an Berufstätige, die nicht in der Lage sind an einem Präsenzstudium teilzunehmen. Außerdem werden im Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft verschiedene konsekutive und berufsbegleitende Masterstudiengänge (z.B. „Financial Sales Management“ oder „Pension Management“) angeboten.